Sõnastikus on 536 märksõna.
EN | capacity building |
EN | capital |
EN | capital intensive production |
EN | car sharing |
EN | carbon cycle |
EN | carbon dioxide tax (carbon tax) |
EN | carbon footprint |
EN | carbon leakage |
EN | carbon productivity |
EN | carrying capacity |
EN | catchment (basin) |
EN | changing consumer behaviour |
EN | child labour |
EN | circular economy |
EN | civil society |
EN | clean development mechanism (CDM) |
EN | clean-up cost |
EN | cleaner production |
EN | cleaning up |
EN | climate change |
EN | closed production process (closed loop process) |
EN | Club of Rome |
EN | cogeneration of heat and power, combined heat and power generation (CHP) |
EN | colonialism |
EN | common good |
EN | common pool resource (common property resource) |
EN | community |
EN | compensation area |
EN | compensatory tax |
EN | complexity |
EN | composting |
EN | concentrated decentralization |
EN | conservative ecology |
EN | consumer society |
EN | consumerism |
EN | contiguity (interest) |
EN | contingent valuation method (CVM) |
EN | Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage |
EN | Convention on Biological Diversity |
EN | corporate environmental monitoring |
EN | corporate social responsibility (CSR) |
EN | Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) |
EN | cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) |
EN | critical load |
EN | cultural landscape (landscape) |
EN | cumulative impact (effect) |
EN | cycle of poverty |
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