eessõna kasutusjuhend sõnastik kasutatud kirjandus tagasiside

Sõnastikus on 536 märksõna.

EN capacity building

EN capital

EN capital intensive production

EN car sharing

EN carbon cycle

EN carbon dioxide tax (carbon tax)

EN carbon footprint

EN carbon leakage

EN carbon productivity

EN carrying capacity

EN catchment (basin)

EN chang­ing consumer behaviour

EN child labour

EN circular economy

EN civil society

EN clean development mechanism (CDM)

EN clean-up cost

EN cleaner production

EN cleaning up

EN climate change

EN closed production process (closed loop process)

EN Club of Rome

EN cogeneration of heat and power, combined heat and power generation (CHP)

EN colonialism

EN common good

EN common pool resource (common property resource)

EN community

EN compensation area

EN compensatory tax

EN complexity

EN composting

EN concentrated decentralization

EN conserva­tive ecology

EN consumer society

EN consumerism

EN contiguity (interest)

EN contingent valuation method (CVM)

EN Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage

EN Convention on Biological Diversity

EN corporate environmental monitoring

EN corporate social responsibility (CSR)

EN Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)

EN cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA)

EN critical load

EN cultural landscape (landscape)

EN cumulative impact (effect)

EN cycle of poverty

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Säästva Eesti Instituut, SEI Tallinn
Viimati muudetud: 20-03-2024 12:02