eessõna kasutusjuhend sõnastik kasutatud kirjandus tagasiside

Sõnastikus on 536 märksõna.

EN scenario

EN Second World

EN secondary raw material

EN self-purification capacity of water body

EN semi-natural community

EN shadow price

EN shore path

EN sink

EN Site of Community Importance (SCI), Special Area of Conservation (SAC)

EN smart growth

EN smog

EN social accountability

EN Social Accountability 8000

EN social audit

EN social capital

EN social con­structivism

EN social darwinism

EN social development

EN social dumping

EN social ecology

EN social entrepreneurship

EN social impact assessment (SIA)

EN social indi­cators

EN social label

EN social metabolism

EN social price

EN social prob­lems

EN social report

EN social trade-off

EN social values

EN soil protection (soil conservation)

EN solar energy

EN spatial plan­ning

EN special conservation area (limited conservation area)

EN Special Protection Area (SPA)

EN species protection site

EN stakeholder (interest group)

EN standard

EN steady-state economy

EN strategic environmental assess­ment (SEA)

EN strategic planning

EN subsidy

EN subsistence economy

EN substance flow analysis (SFA)

EN substance turnover (cycling of substances)

EN sufficiency

EN sustainability

EN sustainability assessment (sustainability impact assessment)

EN sustainability science

EN sustainable agriculture

EN sustainable business

EN sustainable consumption and production

EN sustainable en­ergetics

EN Sustainable Estonia 21

EN sustainable fishery

EN sustainable forestry

EN sustainable human development

EN sustainable industry

EN sustainable life style

EN sustainable livelihood

EN sustainable price for a resource

EN sustainable society index

EN sustainable technology (environmentally sound technology, clean technology)

EN sustainable tourism

EN sustainable transport

EN sustainable use

EN sustainable yield

EN sustain­able development

EN sustain­able development indicator

EN sustain­able urban planning

EN synergistic impact (effect)

EN system

EN system dynamics

EN systems analysis

EN systems thinking

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Säästva Eesti Instituut, SEI Tallinn
Viimati muudetud: 20-03-2024 12:02